Saturday 9 May 2009

I am well known in my family for being a bit on the messy side when eating! Often wearing my food rather than eating it. And many a time I have ruined items of clothing the first time I wear them.
This afternoon I was getting ready to go with Pat for an appointment in Swindon, and found myself wishing I had got the new white cardigan I had ordered. Amazingly and TRUE! within just a couple of minute, our local delivery man walked up the path, I signed for the parcel and tried it on. It was fine so I kept it on and off we went.
The appointment went well and I suggested to Pat that I took him out for a meal as a belated wedding anniversary celebration. I chose the new Pizza Express in Marlborough. We don't really do presents and Pat had surprised me with a gift of the wonderful lap top computer I am now using, so it seemed a good time to make the most of us being out together. I also had £40 of free vouchers so I would only have to pay for drinks, (I'm not really that mean, honest.)
Now I know what you are thinking, a white cardigan and tomato sauce - mmm. well wrong.. I carefully removed it and hung it on the back of my chair out of harms way. Having enjoyed my meal and while Pat paid for our drinks and the tip!!! I reached to the back of my chair only to realise I had failed to remove a rather large hanging label which openly showed my size and how I should wash it to the entire restaurant! Pretending I had not noticed or even care, I slipped into it and we came home.
We fed the ducks, put them to bed and I made coffee. We are now sitting talking over the day while my new white cardigan is soaking in the kitchen sink. I really hope the coffee stains come out, and the burns on my arm and leg are only slight as I managed to throw my clothes off into a heap on the floor very quickly keeping the scalding liquid from doing any lasting harm.

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